Troubleshooting Mice
Find below some commonly asked questions and trouble shooting tips
- I am experiencing double clicks
- My computer doesn't find the mouse
- How do I clean my Mionix mouse?
- How do I change the click latency of my mouse?
- Why is my Castor showing up as a removable device?
- How do I turn the Heart Rate Sensor on and off?
- Can I add a key sequence to my mouse?
- What is the polling setting?
- Revert Castor software / Firmware
- How do I create a Macro for my mouse?
- What is DPI?
- My cursor lags/stops for a second
- My mouse turns on and off
- My Mouse is not working correctly after firmware/software installation
- My mouse does not start when the computer is in hibernate mode
- My computer does not recognize my mouse
- I can’t install/start the software for my mouse